How To Make A Stunning Christmas Facebook Cover Photo
A good Facebook cover photo is a significant way to grow your brand awareness and leave a positive impression.

Christmas is coming. Is your business ready? Because if Christmas is on its way, every business needs to make their social media accounts match the Christmas theme to engage with customers and create a positive atmosphere. Whether you manage a small, big, or medium business, it is essential to keep your customers happy with the Christmas atmosphere and suggest excellent offers and discounts.
One of the most popular social media portals to get ready for Christmas is Facebook. And it is an essential thing to create a stunning Christmas Facebook cover. So, in this article, we will discuss several steps to create an excellent Christmas Facebook cover photo.
The Importance Of Facebook Cover Photo During Christmas
You are wrong if you think the Facebook cover photo is just a picture. A good Facebook cover photo is a significant way to grow your brand awareness and leave a positive impression. Imagine you visit a Facebook business page; you surely will agree that the cover photo has great importance and has a significant influence. And especially when it's Christmas, your Facebook cover photo must give visitors positive and good emotions. So, if you want to look professional and also engage with your audience, you must create a stunning Christmas cover photo.
How Does Facebook Cover Appear On Mobile Screens vs. Desktop Screens?
Before we discuss the steps to create an amazing Christmas Facebook cover photo, let's understand the right sizes of Facebook covers on mobile and desktop screens and also how they appear there. Well, actually, Facebook covers have had 312 pixels tall and 820 pixels wide for computer desktops and mobile; they have 360 pixels tall and 640 pixels wide. It is crucial to pay attention to these parameters and make every element of your cover photo catchy and beautiful.
Let's continue and discuss the steps and tips to create a Christmas cover photo.
10 Steps To Create A Stunning Christmas Facebook Cover
It is time to discuss several crucial steps to create a stunning Christmas Facebook cover photo. If you already have to think about how to prepare your Facebook business page cover photo for Christmas, you are in the right place. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss detailed steps to create an effective cover photo and engage customers successfully.
So, it is necessary to make your social media accounts ready for Christmas, and for this, you must have a fantastic cover photo. Let's get started and explore over ten steps to create a stunning Christmas Facebook cover photo.
1. Be Direct In Your Message
Have you decided what you want to say or suggest to your customers at Christmas? So, if you know, be direct and just say it. Use catchy words, fonts, and visuals to grab more attention. Being direct also means being understandable and suggesting a clearly defined offer to customers. For this, you can take advantage of many templates and design examples to create a catchy Facebook cover with a direct message.
2. Set One Christmas Scene
You may have known many Christmas scenes, and it will be best to set one of them on your Christmas Facebook cover photo. To have a perfect cover photo, it is essential to choose a good cover photo template and also an exciting Christmas scene. For example, you can select a classic Christmas tree and Santa Claus sticker and create an impressive and friendly cover photo with a specific offer or discount. Or you can just say a good word to your customers without any discount. No matter which Christmas scene you will choose, it is crucial to keep a positive and friendly tone there.

3. Design ChristmasTags And HashtagsTo Start Conversation With Followers
Tags and hashtags are essential components of successful conversations. And they also have particular importance in your cover photo. When your cover photo is already done, remember to include their Christmas tags and hashtags and motivate your followers to use hashtags, too.
While you may have the most engaging Facebook cover photo ideas, you should still ensure your brand can be found with the help of hashtags. Hashtags and tags allow you to create a catchy topic and start a conversation and discussion. Also, it would be great to add more personalized Christmas tags to your Facebook cover photo to be more interesting for your followers. For this, indeed, you must explore more about your customer's Christmas habits.
4. Highlight The Christmas
Christmas will be the main component of your cover photo. This is a simple but essential way to engage and attract customers. You can choose colors and fonts that match your branding elements and highlight Christmas with those colors to also highlight your brand. You need to understand that Christmas creates positive and jolly emotions, and it would be best to give these emotions to your customers with your Facebook cover photo. So, remember to highlight the Christmas theme in your cover photo and create positive and magical emotions around your brand.
5. Keep Your Character
Every business with good branding has a unique character, and it is crucial to keep that character when designing a Christmas cover photo for your Facebook business page. Yeah, your brand character must be consistent and familiar in every case and even at Christmas. To keep your character clear, you can create your Facebook cover photo based on your brand color palette and include your logo design and other branding elements. With this, you will stay familiar with your customers and also will keep your brand tone and voice. So, don't forget about creating and keeping your character.
6. Add Christmas Topics
When it's time to choose a Christmas topic, Facebook is an excellent platform because it suggests famous and beautiful topics you can select for your Christmas cover photo. The topic must highlight your offer or discount and give your customers jolly emotions because it is Christmas, and everyone wants to feel magical emotions during this time. Besides the topic, Facebook also provides attractive fonts that you can use to make your topic more catchy. And surely you can create fonts and graphics yourself which would be more match to your brand and will introduce your brand message.
7. Use Special Effects
Effects and filters always help you to create a stunning Christmas cover photo. And the following tip to create a fantastic cover is using special effects. We may say that a cover photo is a great chance to show and advertise your name and branding, and for this, you need to use unique filters and effects. It is an excellent practice to make your cover photo texture better with photo effects and also use 3D effects to have a more effective Facebook cover photo. Special effects are always a great method to make the cover photo more attractive and exciting for your customers. For this, you can take advantage of photo editing tools and use your desired effects.
8. Pair Your Facebook Cover With Profile Picture
One of the most vital things you must remember is to pair your Facebook cover with your profile picture. Yeah, to look more professional and catchy, you must match your Facebook cover to your profile photo. It is essential to include in your profile picture all elements of your Facebook cover photo and ensure that they are put together. To pair the cover photo with the profile picture, you must be more creative and artistic and keep your tone and voice in both.
9. Optimize Cover Photo For Mobile Devices
When creating a Christmas cover photo for your Facebook business page, you must pay attention to several vital requirements of Facebook, like image size, and optimize your cover photo for mobile devices. If you do not optimize your cover photo for mobile devices, it will not show the essential elements of the cover image and will not look professional. According to statistics, over 99% of Facebook active users use this app with mobile devices. This means that if you want to have a successful Facebook cover photo, you must optimize it for mobile devices, choose the right size, and include essential elements.

10. Pin Important Updates On Your Facebook Cover
And the final tip to have an amazing Facebook cover photo is to mention essential details and updates in the cover photo. Whether you offer some discount to your followers or just say their best wishes, pin the most important details and updates in your cover photo because it is the most catchy element of your Facebook profile. Maybe you have a new product or service, or perhaps you have a new office location. Define the most important updates about your business and include them in your Christmas cover photo. With this, you will grab more attention and engage with your followers easily.
For The Final Thoughts
Well, now you know the essential tips to create a stunning Christmas cover photo, and it's time to make a good one for your Facebook business page. The importance of a cover photo is really significant, so you can start to develop it today. Christmas is coming, and your Facebook business page must be ready for this. So, start to explore a good template for your cover photo, choose the best filters, select a great topic, and create a stunning Christmas Facebook cover picture.